In buying, selling and establishing commercial dealings, the key factor is not the quality of the product but rather, and first and foremost, the quality of communication: the way we make contact and how we reach a subsequent understanding .
Advertising is not translated, but rather adapted. Because an advertising spot, a slogan, a radio jingle or an on-line campaign do not basically transmit information, but passion. In the translation industry we call that "transcreation".
Search engines like Google analyse the contents of a website in terms of interest, originality, active links, keywords and consistency between titles, sections and languages. This is why it is very important to use controlled language in all the web language versions, thus promoting the organic positioning of your website.
The Latin American market is different to the Spanish market in habits, customs, priorities and language. Although they evidently share numerous commonalities, they also have major differences, which must be taken into account if a successful approach to either market is to be guaranteed.